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Wednesday 4 April 2012

Mall in Jakarta will Install Solar Panels On

Jakarta, Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy Wardaya Karnika said that the potential and the role of conventional energy such as oil and coal, thus decreasing the dependence on energy from fossil should be avoided. Therefore, the ministry is being revived efforts to develop alternative energy.

One is the development referred Wardaya Solar Power Plant with a capacity of 100 mega watts in a number of locations such as Bali and Bangka. Then also built power plants in Bantul Bayu, west Parangtritis with a capacity of 50 megawatts.

"In addition to the Bantul also built on Sulawesi and Madura" Wardaya said while speaking at the National Security Seminar on Defense, Tuesday, April 3, 2012. "In two areas that I heard there is a gap built for blustery"

Also PT LEN also will build a Solar Cell Factory in Karachi in collaboration with the BPPT and ITB. "We are also currently discussing with the Government of DKI to the roof of shopping malls in Jakarta mounted solar panels." Said Wardaya. "The solar panels that can be used to meet the needs of the electricity itself, so do not disrupt supplies to the villages. Well, just bought shortcomings of PLN


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